How to play Pubg Mobile using VPN || Pubg Temporarily Ban In Pakistan 2020

As we know many rumors were there recently claiming the ban of Pubg Mobile in Pakistan that created hype in social media. During this, all many social media reporters started publishing news like "Police get into a house and found a child who committed suicide on his bed. His phone was near him in which Pubg Mobile was running and they thought that the game is the reason for his suicide". There is a huge contribution of fake news on social media for the ban of Pubg but there's good news for Pubg lovers that Pubg Mobile is banned temporarily not permanently and there is a huge chance that it will be unbanned after 10th July 2020.

During this session, many players want to play Pubg but they can't because of some issues they are facing there are some ways to play Pubg Mobile still but the best way is using a VPN. There must be a question that which is the best VPN for Pubg Mobile in Pakistan. So, In this article, you will get every single information on how to play Pubg Mobile using VPN with stable ping. 

So, Proton VPN is the VPN service I recommend to use it also works on PPPoE internet connections and is more secure than any VPN out there and has fast speed. There is a ping issue with this VPN connection but I will tell you a trick using that trick you will get good ping or I would say your original ping.

So, you can download the VPN from the link below then follow the steps in the video below:

 Video Tutorial 

 Proton Vpn Download

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Aneeq Akbar

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